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Monday, 24 March 2014

Conversas via skype (3) / Skype conversations (3)

- Quantas garrafas de água com gás terás aí no quarto?
Perguntou ele, enquanto via a pequena quantidade de desarrumação que o vídeo do skype permite.

- Aqui tenho duas.
Respondi, enquanto bebia outra.

De manhã, quando acordei e percorri a casa, dei com duas na casa de banho, três na mesinha de cabeceira e três na sala.
Pensamento positivo: antes isto do que vinho ou vodka...

- How many sparkling water bottles do you have on the bedroom?
He asked, while he was looking at the small part of the mess that the skype video allowed.

- I have two here.
I answered, while I was drinking another one.

In the morning, when I woke up, I found two on the bathroom, three on the bedside table and three in the living room.
Thinking positive: this is better than wine or vodka...

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