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Sunday, 5 January 2014

Conversas ao deitar (4) / Midnight conversations (4)

Cheguei ao pé dele, que estava a lavar os dentes, e mencionei que tinha estado à procura do meu telemóvel. Ele perguntou-me, de escova na boca, algo como:
- Bla bla bla água quente?

Achei que ou ele estava a ficar louco, ou era uma piada que eu não conseguia compreender.
Perguntei a rir:
- O quê?!

- Trouxeste o saco de água quente?

- Ah, fico muito mais aliviada. Percebi não queres pô-lo (ao telemóvel) debaixo de água quente?

Last night I met him in the bathroom, where he was washing his teeth, and told him that I had been searching for my phone. He asked me, with the tooth brush inside his mouth, something that sounded like:
- Bla bla bla hot water?

For a moment I thought that either he was going crazy or he was saying a very bad joke I couldn't get. So I asked, laughing:
- What?!

- Did you bring the hot water bottle?

- I'm so glad it was just it. I understood don't you want to put it (my phone) under hot water?

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